Real World Midazolam Use In Seizures

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National guidelines for the management of seizures recommend midazolam 10 mg IM as first-line therapy. The big question is how often EMS follows this guideline or how well that guideline matches up to real-world use. Dr. Jarvis makes a road trip to ESO headquarters to discuss this paper using the ESO research dataset with newly minted Texan Mike Verkest and special guest Dr. Remle Crowe. As we get our nerd on, we go deep into the very interesting methodology used in this paper!

Citation: Guterman EL, Sporer KA, Newman TB, et al. Real-World Midazolam Use and Outcomes With Out-of-Hospital Treatment of Status Epilepticus in the United States. Annals of Emergency Medicine. Published online August 2022. doi:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2022.05.024
Real World Midazolam Use In Seizures
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