All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 30 of 95 in total
E95 - LUCAS Literature
Last episode we described the literature showing no survival benefit to patients with the AutoPulse device. Fear not, I wasn’t ignoring the LUCAS, I just felt it deser...

E94 - AutoPulse Literature
Our story so far.. episode 92 looked at a study showing lower survival from in-hospital cardiac arrest in patients treated with mechanical compression devices. Episode...

E93 - LUCAS: The Austin Experience
Ever wonder what would happen to cardiac arrest survival after a system implements LUCAS devices and trains really hard to deploy them appropriately? Wonder no more. D...

Ep 92 - Mechanical CPR in InHospital Arrest
We know the literature on mechanical CPR devices on mortality in out of hospital cardiac arrest (we DO know this literature, right?), but what about in-hospital arrest...

Ep 91 - The Bloody Details
New Orleans implemented a blood program and assessed the impact of the program on mortality. Dr Jarvis dives into the details of the paper and then Dr Remle Crowe join...

Ep90 - IV vs IO in OHCA
We've reviewed several papers in the past that suggest there might be an advantage to using IV access compared to IO access for medications in cardiac arrest. Is that ...

Ep 89 - IM Epi in OHCA, Part II
Back in episode 80 we discussed a feasibility study out of Salt Lake City that showed IM epi resulted in 3-minute faster administration in cardiac arrest. It was under...

Ep88 - Naloxone in Cardiac Arrest?
Do you give naloxone to patients who are in cardiac arrest? Should you? Can it possibly provide any benefit at all once you are already providing effective ventilation...

Ep87 - Those CPR Pauses, Though...
Remember when we learned interruptions in compressions take a long time to recover blood pressure from? And how, to avoid these, we should do continuous compressions t...

Ep86 - The PREOXI Trial
What’s the best way to pre-oxygenate our patients prior to intubation? The evidence for this question has been mixed for some time. Dr Jarvis discusses the PREOXI Tria...

Ep85 - Intubation: Is More Better?
There is evidence that clinician experience with intubation is associated with improved success rates and evidence that missed intubation attempts are associated with ...

Ep84 - Nebulized Ketamine?
Description: Let’s say you were looking for a safe and effective BLS option for analgesia. Something other than oral acetaminophen or ibuprofen. You want the Green Whi...

Ep 83 - EtCO2 in Cardiac Arrest
What value does EtCO2 have when predicting survival from cardiac arrest? We all know a sharp spike in EtCO2 is associated with ROSC, but what about persistently elevat...

E82 - Ketamine v Etomidate for RSI: A Bayesian Meta-Analysis
The debate about which drug to use for sedation before RSI will... not… die. Advocates for both ketamine and etomidate approach the argument with near-religious zeal. ...

Ep81 - Treatment of Atrial Fib with RVR
Atrial Fibrillation with rapid ventricular response is a common cause of EMS activations and ED visits. It is associated with chest discomfort, palpitations, and hypot...

LHP E80 – IM Epi in Cardiac Arrest
Dr. Jarvis is joined by OG co-host Mike Verkest and Dr. Brent Myers from NAEMSP 2024. We discuss an intriguing concept in cardiac arrest… giving the initial dose of ep...

LHP E79 - Head Up CPR – Not So FAST
EMS History is full of interventions we've rapidly adopted, often at great expense and with disruption of existing processes, that later turned out to, how should I sa...

LHP E78 – Racial Disparities in EMS Analgesia
What would you say if I told you that Black patients were less likely to receive pain medication compared with white patients? My guess is you’d either question the me...

LHP E77 – Should We Reduce Sedative Dosing In RSI Of Hypotensive Patients?
Have you heard that you’re supposed to decrease the dose of your sedative when performing RSI on hypotensive patients? First, avoid asking why you haven’t addressed th...

EMS LHP – E76 – One and Done Epinephrine
Y’all know I have thoughts on epinephrine in cardiac arrest. Perhaps you might have heard me say epinephrine “saves the heart at the expense of the brain.” I’ve also s...

LHP E75 - The Device Trial
We’ve spoken a lot recently about intubation First-Pass Success, including the definition. We’ve also discussed different papers about the impact the type of laryngosc...

LHP – E74 – What Even IS First Pass Success
What even is FPS? There's been a long-running argument about the definition of FPS. By argument, I mean mostly established in the literature, with some people not liki...

Ep73 - Post-Mortem CT in Blunt Trauma
A new study describes the utility of post-mortem CT panscans in patients who died either in the field or in the ED to identify mortal and potentially mortal injuries. ...

DSI (delayed sequence intubation) has been proposed as an alternative to RSI (rapid sequence intubation) for patients who can't tolerate interventions needed to proper...

Ep 71 - SGA Cage Match: Round 2
In episode 69, we interviewed Tanner Smida about his very interesting paper using the ESO dataset. It looked at the association between survival from out-of-hospital c...

Ep 70 - Crossover with the EMS Show from Ashland, Oregon!
Man, did we have fun recording this one? I found myself in a hotel room in Ashland, Oregon, with Drs. Ed Racht, Maia Dorsett, and Ritu Sahni talking about Sepsis. We d...

Ep 69 - iGel vs King LT in OHCA
The cage match you've all been waiting for! iGel vs King LT in cardiac arrest. Which is associated with higher survival?Airways-2 was an RCT of iGel vs. ETI in OHCA an...

EMS LHP - Episode 68 - The SAVE Trial
Remember AIRWAYS-2, the British RCT comparing iGel to ETI in adults with cardiac arrest? Have you wondered if those results would hold up in a different prehospital po...

If one is good, two must be better, right? If it applies to cookies and ice cream, why not defibrillators? That’s the question the DOSED-VF trial set out to answer. We...

EMS LHP Episode 65: SpO2 vs SaO2 Variations Between Races
Dr. Crowe returns to the EMS Lighthouse Project Podcast from our “vacation” in Mexico to discuss the impact of variations between pulse oximetry and blood gas values a...