The EMS Lighthouse Project Podcast exists to foster knowledge translation from peer-reviewed scientific journals to the street. Join Mike Verkest and Dr. Jeff Jarvis as they shine the bright light of science on EMS practice in an informative and fun way.

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Ep86 - The PREOXI Trial

What’s the best way to pre-oxygenate our patients prior to intubation? The evidence for this question has been mixed for some time. Dr Jarvis discusses the PREOXI Tria...

Ep85 - Intubation: Is More Better?

There is evidence that clinician experience with intubation is associated with improved success rates and evidence that missed intubation attempts are associated with ...

Ep84 - Nebulized Ketamine?

Description: Let’s say you were looking for a safe and effective BLS option for analgesia. Something other than oral acetaminophen or ibuprofen. You want the Green Whi...

Ep 83 - EtCO2 in Cardiac Arrest

What value does EtCO2 have when predicting survival from cardiac arrest? We all know a sharp spike in EtCO2 is associated with ROSC, but what about persistently elevat...

E82 - Ketamine v Etomidate for RSI: A Bayesian Meta-Analysis

The debate about which drug to use for sedation before RSI will... not… die. Advocates for both ketamine and etomidate approach the argument with near-religious zeal. ...

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