Episode 54 – NAEMSP Research Part I

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Episode 54
NAEMSP in Sunny San Diego… Just. SO. MUCH. GREAT. RESEARCH. Dr. Jarvis interviewed a small sample of the great work presented. There was so much we broke it into two parts. This episode features interviews with Dr. Amber Rice from Tucson, Arizona, discussing a secondary analysis of the EPIC trial looking further into the impact of hypotension on TBI, Dr. Veer Vithalani from MedStar in Fort Worth, TX discussing how he used his CAD and ePCR data to determine which calls could safely get a BLS response, Dr. Erin Lincoln from Austin discussing her work on disparities in analgesia, and Dr. Henry Wang on his latest secondary analysis of the PART trial, this one looking at the impact of airway type (LT or ET) on ventilatory rates.
Episode 54 – NAEMSP Research Part I
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