Episode 38: Pediatric Intubation: Are Children Just Small Adults?

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Episode 38
Children are often considered to be just small adults, much to the dismay of pediatricians everywhere. But when it comes to peri-intubation cardiac arrest, is it true? We know that, in adults, peri-intubation hypoxia is a strong predictor of cardiac arrest. Is this true in pediatric patients?

This episode features another oral board case with Dr. Erin Lincoln (@ErinTWL) and a live discussion with Mike (@MikeVerkest), Jeff (@DrJeffJarvis), and special guest Dr. Peter Antevy (@HandtevyMD). Our live segment had lots of great listener questions, which led Peter and Jeff to explore safe intubation practices in depth. 

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Episode 38: Pediatric Intubation: Are Children Just Small Adults?
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