Episode 25 NAEMSP 2020, Part 4

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Episode 25
The final part of our coverage of some of the research from NAEMSP2020 in San Diego. If you missed any of the first three episodes, download them and listen. They were great! In this episode, we wrap up the series with outstanding discussions. We discuss the epidemiology of pediatric trauma activations with San Antonio’s Dr. Craig Cooley and finish up with a discussion with Dr. Henry Wang. Dr. Wang talks to us through an oral abstract he presented here on a secondary analysis looking at the impact of FPS in the PART trial comparing ET and King LT in cardiac arrest. As a bonus, he talked us through the original PART trial, where he was the principal investigator. As always, we want to hear your feedback. Let us know what you think: @DrJeffJarvis and @EMSLigthouse. Subscribe and give us an excellent rating on Apple Podcast.
Episode 25 NAEMSP 2020, Part 4
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