Episode 18: Roc vs Succ: The Randomized Control Trial!

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Episode 18
The debate has raged. In this corner, we have our established champion succinylcholine, or, as the oldsters call it, “because we’ve always done it this way.” In that other corner, we have the brash newcomer, rocuronium, or, as the youngsters call it, “OMG… what about the hyperK!.” Wouldn’t you just like an answer? Which is better? SAMU to the (potential) rescue. Our French colleagues published a Randomized Clinical Trial comparing FPS among pre-hospital patients undergoing intubation between succinylcholine and rocuronium. What did they find? Join Dr. Jarvis for a hot-off-the-presses podcast that will give you the down-and-dirty about this trial ON THE DAY IT WAS PUBLISHED! Take THAT Second Shift! If you like what you hear, please give us a 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts and tell your friends to subscribe. As always, we want to hear your feedback. You can reach us on Twitter at @EMSLighthouse and @DrJeffJarvis.
Episode 18: Roc vs Succ: The Randomized Control Trial!
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