Episode 13: TXA for TBI? CRASH-3

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Episode 13
A variety of papers, including CRASH-2, suggest that TXA can decrease mortality if given early for patients at risk of significant hemorrhage but exclude patients with TBI. CRASH-3 was a large, multi-national, placebo-controlled randomized trial comparing TXA, 1 gm over 10 minutes, followed by a subsequent 1 gm infusion over the next 8 hours. So… what do we think of the paper’s results, and do we believe TXA should be given to TBI patients? The EMS Lighthouse Project Podcast is the newest FlightBridgeED clinical podcast network show! Your feedback has been fantastic, and we appreciate the support! If you haven’t, please leave feedback and rate us on your favorite podcast app!
Episode 13: TXA for TBI? CRASH-3
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