Ep73 - Post-Mortem CT in Blunt Trauma

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A new study describes the utility of post-mortem CT panscans in patients who died either in the field or in the ED to identify mortal and potentially mortal injuries. This paper has a couple of surprising findings that can help EMS focus our efforts on caring for these patients. 

1. Levin JH, Pecoraro A, Ochs V, Meagher A, Steenburg SD, Hammer PM. Characterization of fatal blunt injuries using post-mortem computed tomography. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023; Publish Ahead of Print. 
2. Sakles JC, Ross C, Kovacs G. Preventing unrecognized esophageal intubation in the emergency department. JACEP Open. 2023;4(3):e12951. 3. Chrimes N, Higgs A, Hagberg CA, et al. Preventing unrecognised oesophageal intubation: a consensus guideline from the Project for Universal Management of Airways and international airway societies*. Anaesthesia. 2022;77(12):1395-1415.
Ep73 - Post-Mortem CT in Blunt Trauma
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