Ep. 29: The Very Special Jarvis COVID Home Party Edition

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Episode 29
We are living in a COVID world. And I am a COVID doc. This is a special episode of the EMS Lighthouse Project Podcast. Since the Jarvis household is quarantined in our bunker in Central Texas, I brought the family together to discuss how such a short piece of RNA has changed our world. Oh, and we talk about the MMWR report from Singapore that, apparently, got the CDC to change its stance on the use of public face masks. If you like what you hear, please give us a 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts and other premier podcast purveyors and tell your friends to subscribe. Most importantly, stay safe out there. Thank you for stepping up and caring for others in these difficult times. We appreciate each one of you. I’ve never been prouder to be in EMS.
Ep. 29: The Very Special Jarvis COVID Home Party Edition
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